Horai, S., Murakami, S., Sakoda, A., Nakashita, R., Kunisue, T & Ishimori, Y.: Environmental monitoring of trace elements and evaluation of environmental impacts to organisms near a former uranium mining site in Nigyo-toge, Japan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment volume 194, Article number: 415, 2022
Horai, S., Abiko, Y., Unoki, T., Shinkai, Y., Akiyama, M., Nakata, K., Kunisue, T., Kumagai, Y.: Concentrations of nucleophilic sulfur species in small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) in Okinawa, Japan. Chemosphere, 295, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.133833
Abiko, Y., Katayama, Y., Zhao, W., Horai, S., Sakurai, K., Kumagai, Y.: The fate of methylmercury through formation of bismethylmercury sulfide as an intermediate in mice. Scientific Reports, 2021 DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-454570/v1
Sakoda, A., Murakami, S., Ishimori, Y., and Horai, S.: Concentration ratios of 238U and 226Ra for insects and amphibians living in the vicinity of the closed uranium mine at Ningyo-toge, Japan. Journal of Radiation Research 61: 207-213, 2020
Horai, S., Nakashima, Y., Nawada, K., Watanabe, I., Kunisue, T., Abe, S., Yamada, F. and Sugihara, R.: Trace element concentrations in the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) from Hawaii, USA. Ecological Indicators 91: 92-104, 2018
Masamoto, I., Yoshimitsu, M., Kuroki, A., Horai, S., Ezinne, C.C., Kozako, T., Hachiman, M., Kamada, Y., Baba, M., and Arima, N.: Clinical significance of CD70 expression on T cells in human T-lymphotropic virus type-1 carriers and adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma patients. Leukemia & Lymphoma 57: 685-691, 2016
Takeda, N., Horai, S. and Tamura, J.: Facile analysis of contents and compositions of the chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate hybrid chain in shark and ray tissues. Carbohydrate Research 424: 54-58, 2016
Riyadi, A.S., Itai, T., Hayase, D., Isobe, T., Horai, S., Miller, T.W., Omori, K., Sundaryanto, A., Ilyas, M., Setiawan, I.E. and Tanabe, S.: Comparison of trophic magnification slopes of mercury in temperate and tropical regions case studies on the Oregon coast, USA, Sanriku coast, Japan, and Jakarta bay, Indonesia. Chemistry Letters 44: 1470-1472, 2015
Horai, S., Yanagi, K., Kaname, T., Yamamoto, M., Watanabe, I., Ogura, G., Abe, S., Tanabe, S. and Furukawa, T.: Establishment of a primary hepatocyte culture from the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) and distribution of mercury in liver tissue. Ecotoxicology 23: 1681-1689, 2014
Horai, S., Itai, T., Noguchi, T., Yasuda, Y., Adachi, H., Hyobu, Y., Riyadi, A.S., Boggs, A.S.P., Lowers, R., Guillet Jr., L.J. and Tanabe, S.: Concentrations of trace elements in American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) from Florida, USA. Chemosphere 108: 159-167, 2014
Noguchi, T., Itai, T., Tue, N.M., Agusa, T., Ha, N.N., Horai, S., Trang, P.T.K., Viet, P.H., Takahashi, S. and Tanabe, S.: Exposure assessment of lead to workers and children in the battery recycling craft village, Dong Mai, Vietnam. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management DOI 10.1007/ s10163-013-0159-0, 2013
Hirata (Horai), S., Hayase, D., Eguchi, A., Itai, T., Nomiyama, K., Isobe, T., Agusa, T., Ishikawa, T., Kumagai, M. and Tanabe, S.: Arsenic and Mn levels in Isaza (Gymnogobius isaza) during the mass mortality event in Lake Biwa, Japan. Environmental Pollution 159: 2789-2796, 2011
Kozako, T., Yoshimitsu, M., Fujiwara, H., Masamoto, I., Horai, S., Akimoto, M., Suzuki, S., Matsushita, K., Uozumi, K., Tei, C. and Arima, N.: PD-1/PD-L1 expression in human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 carriers and adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma patients. Leukemia 23: 375-382, 2009
Horai, S., Furukawa, T., Ando, T., Akiba, S., Takeda, Y., Yamada, K., Kuno, K., Abe, S. and Watanabe, I.: Subcellular distribution and potential detoxication mechanisms of mercury in the liver of the Javan mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) in Amamioshima Island, Japan. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27: 1354-1360, 2008
Baba, M., Okamoto, M., Hamasaki, T., Horai, S., Wang, X., Ito, Y., Suda, Y. and Arima, N.: Highly enhanced expression of CD70 on human T-lymphotropic virus type 1-carrying T-cell lines and adult T-cell leukemia cells. Journal of Virology 82: 3843-3852, 2008
Ozaki, A., Arima, N., Matsushita, K., Uozumi, K., Akimoto, H., Hamada, H., Kawada, H., Horai, S., Tanaka, Y. and Tei, C.: Cyclosporin inhibits HTLV-1 Tax expression and shows anti-tumor effects in combination with VP-16. Journal of Medical Virology 79: 1906-1913, 2007
Horai, S., Watanabe, I., Takada, H., Iwamizu, Y., Hayashi, T., Tanabe, S. and Kuno, K.: Trace element accumulations in 13 avian species collected from the Kanto area, Japan. Science of the Total Environment 373: 512-525, 2007
Horai, S., Minagawa, M., Ozaki, H., Watanabe, I., Takeda, Y., Yamada, Ando, T., Akiba, S., Abe, S. and Kuno, K.: Accumulation of Hg and other heavy metals in the Javan mongoose, Herpestes javanicus, captured on Amamioshima Island, Japan. Chemosphere 65: 657-665, 2006
Tabata, H., Anwar, M., Horai, S., Ando, T., Nakano, A., Wakamiya, J., Koriyama, C., Nakagawa, M., Yamada, K. and Akiba, S.: Toenail arsenic levels among residents in Amami-Oshima Island, Japan. Environmental Science 13: 149-160, 2006