Report of NIMDForum2009
Forum 2009
○ Date: February 18 (Wed), 2009: Study visit
19 (Thu)〜February 20 (Fri), 2009: Forum
○ Venue: Minamata Disease Archives, National Institute for Minamata Disease
○ Main Theme: “ Methylmercury and n-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA)
from fish consumption”
Our institute, National Institute for Minamata Disease (NIMD) conducts
international forums (NIMD Forum) annually to discuss researches regarding
mercury, and invites specialists from all over the world.
This year, the specialists presented their latest researches concerning
methylmercury and n-3PUFA from fish consumption. Especially, they discussed
the concrete methods to reduce the risks of mercury with maintaining the
merits from fish consumption, especially for pregnant women.
This time, as Japanese and English simultaneous interpretation system
was first introduced, the participants could understand and join to the
discussion both in English and Japanese. Then, total of about 110 people
(the largest number of participants in the last several years) took part
in the Forum and they received useful information.
We sincerely thank to all the speakers and the participants.
The 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant
(ICMGP) will be
held in Guiyang, Guizhow province, China in June 2009. In this conference,
NIMD are going to organize a Special Session by our financial support.
Therefore, this NIMD Forum 2009 was also held as a pre-session for the
9th ICMGP.
The participants of the Study visit could learn the environmental-control
policies from Minamata city and nearby Minamata cities by the support of
Kumamoto Prefecture as a Co-Organizer.
○ Outline of Programme
February 18 (Wed) : Study visit
- Izumi Shoji recycling factory in Yatusiro city (10:00 am)
- Tanaka Shoten Minamata office (11:00 am)
- Lunch break at Crane watching restaurant in Izumi city
- RBS Tukinoura Center (14:00 pm)
- Chisso factory head office in Minamata city (15:00 pm)
According to the schedule above, the participants visited a mercury disposal
facility, Eco-town, a facility which makes fertilizer from sludge, Chisso
factory, and others. The pictures show the participants at Tanaka Shoten
which recycles used bottles and at Crane watching restaurant.

February 19 (Thu)〜February 20 (Fri): Forum
- Opening Remark 9:30 am〜9:45 am
- Session1 February 19 (Thu) 9:45 am〜11:45 am
- Chairman Dr. Mineshi Sakamoto (NIMD, Japan)
Dr. Laurie.H.M.Chan (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada)
- The relationships between mercury exposure and health effects of schoolchildren
near the facilities emitting mercury in Korea
Dr. Kim Guen Bae (National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea)
- Hair mercury: methylmercury exposure in current Japanese
Dr. Akira Yasutake (NIMD, Japan)
- Mercury exposure from fish consumption within the Japanese and Korean communities
Ms. Ami Tsuchiya (University of Washington, USA)
- Session2 February 19 (Thu) 13:10 pm〜16:50 pm
- Chairman Dr. Kathryn R. Mahaffey (George Washington University, USA)
Dr. Hiroshi Satoh (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Relationship of methylmercury (MeHg) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in
pregnant women and fetuses
Dr. Mineshi Sakamoto (NIMD, Japan)
- Prenatal low levels mercury exposure on infant development: a prospective
study in Zhoushan Islands, China
Dr. Chong-Huai Yan Yu Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
- Cohort study of the effects of perinatal exposure to methylmercury and
POPs on development of infants in Japan; an interim report of Tohoku Study
of child development
Dr. Hiroshi Satoh (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Methylmercury exposure, seafood intake and health risks in Faroese populations
Dr. Philippe Grandjean (University of South Denmark, Denmark)
- Maternal fish intake during pregnancy, blood mercury, and child cognition
at age 3 years in a US cohort
Dr. Robert O. Wright (Harvard University, USA)
- Omega-3 fatty acids and methylmercury in diet: sources, effects, and public
health considerations
Dr. Kathryn Mahaffey (George Washington University, USA)
- Summary for the 1st day Dr. Laurie. H.M. Chan, Dr. Hiroshi Satoh
- Session3 February 20 (Fri) 9:00 am〜12:10 pm
- Chairman Dr. Mineshi Sakamoto (NIMD, Japan)
Dr. Laurie. H.M. Chan (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada)
- Potential contamination of mercury from artisanal gold mining in the Talawaan
watershed area, north Sulawesi, Indonesia
Dr. Markus T. Lasut (Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia)
- Mercury in hair as a diagnostic indicator of exposure to the metal in a
coastal population in Venezuela Dr. Rojas Maritza (University of Carabobo,
- Hair mercury investigation of mercury polluted area around the world
Dr. Masatake Fujimura (NIMD, Japan)
- Methylmercury exposure from fish consumption among communities near Ethiopian
Rift Valley Lakes(ERVLs)
Dr. Solomon Aragie (Hawassa University, Ethiopia)
- Clinical evaluation of mercury exposure in riverside from Tapajos Basin,
in the Amazon
Dr. Maria da Conceicao (UFPA, Brazil)
- Summary Dr. Laurie. H.M. Chan, Dr. Mineshi Sakamoto
- Closing Remark 12:10 pm〜12:20 pm
NIMD Forum Ⅰ: Thursday, 19 February 2009 |
Pages |
9:30 |
- |
9:45 |
Opening Remarks |
9:45 |
- |
9:55 |
Dr. Laurie Chan (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada)
Balancing the risk of methylmercury and benefits of n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids exposure from fish consumption ( Introduction of this Session
) |
3 |
9:55 |
- |
10:25 |
Dr. Kim Guen Bae (National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea)
Mercury exposures and health effects of school children living near
the mercury emitting facilities in Korea |
4 |
10:25 |
- |
10:45 |
Break |
10:45 |
- |
11:15 |
Dr. Akira Yasutake (NIMD)
Hair mercury: methylmercury exposure in current Japanese |
8 |
11:15 |
- |
11:45 |
Ms. Ami Tsuchiya (University of Washington, USA)
Mercury exposure from fish consumption within the Japanese and Korean
communities |
21 |
11:45 |
- |
13:10 |
Lunch |
13:10 |
- |
13:40 |
Dr. Mineshi Sakamoto (NIMD)
Relationship of methylmercury (MeHg) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
in pregnant women and foetuses |
27 |
13:40 |
- |
14:10 |
Dr. Chong-Huai Yan Yu Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Prenatal low levels mercury exposure on infant development: a prospective
study in Zhoushan Islands, China |
31 |
14:10 |
- |
14:40 |
Dr. Hiroshi Satoh (Tohoku University, Japan)
Cohort study of the effects of perinatal exposure to methylmercury
and POPs on development of infants in Japan; an interim report of Tohoku
Study of child development |
32 |
14:40 |
- |
15:00 |
Break |
15:00 |
- |
15:30 |
Dr. Philippe Grandjean (University of South Denmark, Denmark)
Methylmercury exposure, seafood intake and health risks in Faroese
populations |
36 |
15:30 |
- |
16:00 |
Dr. Robert O. Wright (Harvard University, USA)
Maternal fish intake during pregnancy, blood mercury levels, and
child cognition at age 3 years in a US cohort |
38 |
16:00 |
- |
16:30 |
Dr. Kathryn Mahaffey (George Washington University, USA)
Omega-3 fatty acids and methylmercury in diet: sources, effects,
and public health considerations |
39 |
16:30 |
- |
16:50 |
Dr. Laurie Chan (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada)
Discussion and Conclusion of this Session |
18:00 |
- |
19:30 |
Welcome Reception |