(1) Classification of the products to be procured: 22, 31
(2) Nature and quantity of the products to be purchased: Magnetoencephalograph(MEG)system, 1 Set
(3) Type of the procurement: Purchase
(4) Basic requirements of the procurement:
①Measurement of the weak magnetic fields generated by neural activity in the entire brain at once must be possible.
②Measurement of magnetic fields induced by various stimuli, including somatosensory, auditory, visual, and tactile stimuli, must be possible.
③Recording, accurate analysis of very slow component and analysis of changing brain activities over time must be possible.
④Studies on the relationship between anatomical structure of brain and neural function must be possible.
(5) Time limit for the submission of comments:5:00PM 18, April, 2025
(6) Contact location for the notice: Accounting Section, Administration Division,National Institute for Minamata disease, 4058-18, Hama, Minamata City, Kumamoto, 867-0008, Japan.TEL 0966-63-3111