About NIMD

Virtual lab

National Institute for Minamata Didsease virtual lab

360° virtual tour

To give a glimpse of the inside of our facilities
that are normally not open to the public and to showcase our research activities,
the National Institute for Minamata Disease teamed up
with the Virtual Reality Innovation Organization
to create 3D views and VR images.
A simple click will take you on a 360°visual tour
of the National Institute for Minamata Disease.

If you move the cursor to a given tag... Not only can you view an image showing the inside of the facilities but you will also learn the names and functions of research instruments actually being used and what kind of research is done in the laboratory.

A virtual facility tour is also offered by the Minamata Disease Archives.

Minamata Disease Archives virtual facility tour

Legend for the icons displayed on the lower left corner of a 3D view or VR image

アイコン 凡例

  • 1 To explore the space in a 3D walk-through
    You can explore the Archives as if you are actually walking around in the building.
  • 2To display a dollhouse
    You can get a bird's-eye view of the facility as if you are looking down at a dollhouse.
  • 3To display a floor plan
    You can view the facility from straight above.
  • 4Floor selector
    You can select the floor you want to view (some floors are not available for viewing).
  • 5Measuring mode
    By clicking on the "+" button, the distance between two selected points can be measured.
  • * To begin the tour, you will be directed to matterport.com through an external website, ed-vr.jp, which is operated by IT Design, an official member of the Virtual Reality Innovation Organization. mattaerport.com is a service offered by Matterport, Inc., a virtual tour service provider.
  • * The contents of the tour were developed with support from the Virtual Reality Innovation Organization, a general incorporated association dedicated to volunteering activities to help establishments that are closed due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.
  • * The VR images can be viewed on personal computers and smartphones, which experience can be enhanced with the use of special goggles or glasses. This will give you an even more realistic feel, as if you actually find yourself in those four facilities.
  • * While the images can be viewed free of charge, viewers pay for any communications costs involved.
  • * Any use of the VR images for any purpose other than personal enjoyment is prohibited.