Sohei Iwanaga, M.D
I am mainly involved in the rehabilitation for patients with Minamata disease. I was conducting the study of exercise therapy to perform aerobic exercise and resistance exercise simultaneously in health promotion at Kurume University. Currently, I am conducting the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on intractable neuropathic pain in patients with Minamata disease.
Subjects of study and affair
  Project research
  • A study of treatment for pain in patients with Minamata disease

  • Community development project for home care support, including health care practice
Study groups
  • Clinical group
Research achievements

Research by the external fund

The main history, academic background, degree, and citation etc.
Doctor of Medicine, Orthopedic specialist
Graduated from faculty of medicine, Kurume University
Department of Orthopedics, Kurume University School of Medicine