トップ > 組織の案内 > 環境・保健研究部

伊禮 聡(いれい さとし)

  1. S. Irei (2022) Stable isotope ratios of mercury in commercially available thermometers and fluorescent tubes, ACS Omega, 7 (11), 9291-9302.
  2. S. Irei (2021) Isotopic characterization of gaseous mercury and particulate water-soluble organic carbon emitted from open grass field burning in Aso, Japan, Applied Sciences, 12(1), 109, doi:10.3390/app12010109.
  3. S. Irei (2021) Oxidation of gaseous elemental mercury in acidified water: Evaluation of possible sinking pathway of atmospheric gaseous mercury in acid cloud, fog, and rain drops, Applied Sciences, 11, 1196, doi: 10.3390/app11031196.
  4. S. Irei (2020) Development of fast sampling and high recovery extraction method for stable isotope measurement of gaseous mercury, Applied Sciences, 10, 6691, doi:10.3390/app10196691.
  5. 伊禮 聡 (2020) 「水俣条約の有効性を評価する環境試料中の水銀測定」化学と教育 68(5)、pp218-219.
  6. S. Irei, A. Takami, K. Hara, M. Hayashi (2018) Evaluation of transboundary secondary organic aerosol in the urban air of western Japan: Direct comparison of two site observations, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2(12), pp 1231-1239.
  7. S. Irei, J. Stupak, X. Gong, T. Chan, M. Cox, R. McLaren, J. Rudolph (2017) Molecular marker study of particulate organic matter in southern Ontario air, Journal of Analytical Method in Chemistry, doi: 10.1155/2017/3504274.
  8. S. Irei, A. Takami, Y. Sadanaga, S. Nozoe, S. Yonemura, H. Bandow, Y. Yokouchi (2016) Photochemical age of air pollutants, ozone, and secondary organic aerosol in transboundary air observed on Fukue Island, Nagasaki, Japan, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, pp 4555-4568, doi:10.5194/acp-16-4555-2016.
  9. Satoshi Irei, Jochen Rudolph, Lin Huang, Janeen Auld, Fabrice Collin, and Donald Hastie (2015) Laboratory studies of carbon kinetic isotope effects on the production mechanism of particulate phenolic compounds formed by toluene photooxidation: A tool to constrain reaction pathways Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (1), pp 5-13.
  10. Irei, S., Takami, A., Hayashi, M., Sadanaga, Y., Hara, K., Kaneyasu, N., Sato, K., Arakaki, T., Hatakeyama, S., Bandow, H., Hikida, T., and Shimono, A. (2014) Transboundary secondary organic aerosol in western Japan indicated by the delta 13C of water soluble organic carbon and the m/z 44 signal in organic aerosol mass spectra Environmental Science and Technology, 48, pp 6273-6281.
  11. Satoshi Irei, Jochen Rudolph, Lin Huang, Janeen Auld, and Donald Hastie (2011) Stable carbon isotope ratio of secondary particulate organic matter formed by photooxidation of toluene in indoor smog chamber, Atmospheric Environment, 45(4), pp 856-862.
  12. Satoshi Irei, Lin Huang, Fabrice Collin, Wendy Zhang, Donald Hastie, and Jochen Rudolph (2006) Flow reactor studies of the stable carbon isotope composition of secondary particulate organic matter generated by OH-radical-induced reactions of toluene, Atmospheric Environment, 40(30), pp 5858-5867.
Ph.D., York University (Canada)
Outstanding Reviewer (Atmospheric Environment, 2017)