吉野 健児(よしの けんじ) |
環境・保健研究部 生態学研究室 主任研究員 |
今年度の研究内容・業務 |
所属している研究グループ |
主な研究論文・著書; |
- Yoshino, K., Goshima, S., Nakao, S. (1999). The interaction between shell size and shell species preferences of the hermit crab Pagurus filholi. Benthos Research, 54: 37-44.
- Yoshino, K., Goshima, S., Nakao, S. (2001). Sexual difference in shell use in the hermit crab Pagurus filholi (De Man) from northern Japan. Crustacean Research, 30: 55-64.
- Yoshino, K., Goshima S. (2001). Functional roles of gastropod shells in the hermit crabPagurus filholi: effects of shell size and species on fitness. Benthos Research, 56:87-93.
- Yoshino, K., Goshima S. (2002). Sexual dominance in hermit crab shell fights: asymmetries in owner-intruder status, crab size and resource value between sexes. Journal of Ethology, 20: 63-69.
- Yoshino, K., Goshima, S. (2002). Fighting escalation independent of cost-benefit relationship with shell resource quality in hermit crab Pagurus filholi. Benthos Research, 57: 45-49.
- Yoshino, K., Goshima, S., Nakao, S. (2002). Temporal reproductive patterns within a breeding season of the hermit crab Pagurus filholi: effects of crab size and shell species. Marine Biology, 141: 1069-1075.
- Yoshino, K., Ozawa, M., Goshima, S (2004). Effects of shell fit on the efficacy of mate guarding behaviour in male hermit crabs. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 84: 1203-1208.
- Yoshino, K., Goshima, S. (2006). Sexual differences in the shell assessment behavior of the hermit crab Pagurus filholi (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae). In: Biology of Anomura II, Crustacean Research special number 6, Proceedings of the Symposium organized by R. Lemaitre and C. C. Tudge, pp 81-86.
- Yoshino, K., Miyasaka, H., Kawamura, Y., Genkai-Kato, M., Okuda, N., Hayami, Y., Ito, S.,Fukumori, K., Sekiguchi, T., Ohnishi, H., Ohmori, K., Takeoka, H. (2006). Sand banks contribute to the productivity of coastal waters by making habitat for benthic microalgae in sublittoral zone: food web analyses in Aki-Nada using stable isotopes. Plankton and Benthos Research, 1: 155-163.
- Yoshino, K., Yamamoto, K., Hayami, Y., Hamada, T., Kasagi, T., Ueno, D., Ohgushi, K. (2007). Benthic fauna of the inner part of Ariake Bay: long-term changes in several ecological parameters. Plankton and Benthos Research, 2: 198-212.
- 吉野健児・山本浩一・速水祐一・濱田孝治・山口創一・大串浩一郎 (2009). 有明海湾奥部干潟域のマクロベントス相. 日本ベントス学会誌, 64: 15-24.
- Yoshino, K., Amano Y., Fukumori K., Hamaoka H., Ohmori K. (2010). The effect of ethanol fixation on stable isotope signatures in benthic organisms. Plankton & Benthos Research, 5: 79-82.
- Yoshino, K., Hamada T., Yamamoto K., Hayami Y., Yamaguchi S., Ohgushi K. (2010). Effects of hypoxia and organic enrichment on estuarine macrofauna in the inner part of Ariake Bay. Hydrobiologia, 652: 23-38.
- Yoshino, K., Koga T., Fukuda Y. (2011). Chelipeds are the real weapon: cheliped size is a more effective determinant than body size in male-male competition for mates in a hermit crab. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65: 1825-1832.
- Yoshino, K., Tsugeki N., Amano Y., Hayami Y., Hamaoka H., Omori K. (2012). Intertidal bare mudflats subsidize subtidal production through the outwelling of benthic microalgae. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 109: 138-143.
- Yoshino, K., Katano T., Hayami Y., Hamada T., Kobayashi G. (2013). Morphological variation of pallial organs at sites of differing turbidity: a case study of an arcid bivalve. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93, 1009-1015.
- Yoshino, K., Katano T., Ito Y., Hamada T., Fujii N., Hayami Y. (2014) Community assembly by limited recruitment in a hypoxia-stressed soft bottom: A case study of macrobenthos in Ariake Bay. Plankton & Benthos Research 9, 57-66.
- Yoshino, K., Koga T., Taniguchi K, Tasaka R (2014) Adaptation in the peripheral habitat: intraspecific variation in osmoregulatory traits in an estuarine hermit crab Pagurus minutus. Journal of Shellfish Research 33, 53-59.
- Yoshino, K, Nagayoshi M, Sato M, Katano T, Ito Y, Fujii N, Hamada T, Hayami Y (2016) Life history of Sternaspis costata (Sternaspidae: Polychaeta) in Ariake Bay, Japan. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 96, 647-655.
- Yoshino, K., Kimura K., Yamada K (2018) Does suspended matter drained from the Isahaya freshwater reservoir cause organic enrichment in the northern Ariake Bay? Journal of Oceanography in press
外部資金獲得状況; |
科研費基盤 C H30~32 年度「ヤドカリの殻交換は捕食リスクに便乗した感覚トラップにより促進される?」(分担)
主な履歴、学歴、学位、表彰等; |
1996 年 3 月 25 日 北海道大学水産学部水産増殖学科卒業 2002 年 3 月 25 日 博士(水産科学)(北海道大学)
2003 年 4 月 1 日~2005 年 3 月 30 日 愛媛大学沿岸環境科学研究センターCOE 研究員
2005 年 9 月 1 日~2008 年 8 月 31 日 佐賀大学有明海総合研究プロジェクト研究機関研究員
2008 年 9 月 1 日~2010 年 3 月 31 日 佐賀大学有明海総合研究プロジェクト准教授
2010 年 4 月 1 日~2013 年 3 月 31 日 佐賀大学低平地沿岸海域研究センター特別研究員
2013 年 4 月 1 日~2018 年 3 月 31 日 佐賀大学低平地沿岸海域研究センター特任助教