中村 政明(なかむら まさあき) |
所属:臨床部 役職:臨床部長・総合臨床室室長(併任) 研究分野:脳神経内科、神経生理学、毒性学(重金属)。
今年の研究テーマ・担当業務 |
- メチル水銀曝露のヒト健康影響評価および治療に関する研究(PJ-18-02)
メチル水銀中毒の神経症候の客観的評価法の確立:脳磁計や 3 テスラ MRIを用いて、メチル水銀中毒の脳機能の客観的評価法および臨床に有用な指標の確立を目指して研究を進めています。
また、水俣病患者の QOL の低下の原因になっている痙縮やジストニアなどの不随意運動、慢性難治性疼痛などに対して、磁気刺激治療およびボツリヌス治療の有用性を調べています。
- クジラ由来の高濃度メチル水銀の健康リスク評価(RS-18-06)
所属している研究グループ |
主な研究業績 |
- Nakamura M, Etoh S, Sakamoto T, Nakamura T, Jie LX, Miura Y, Itatani M, Hanakawa T. Potential therapeutic effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for tremor in Minamata disease: A case report. J Neurol Sci. 388, 47-9 (2018).
- Ser PH, Omi S, Shimizu-Furusawa H, Yasutake A, Sakamoto M, Hachiya N, Konishi S,Nakamura M, Watanabe C. Differences in the responses of three plasma selenium-containing proteins in relation to methylmercury-exposure through consumption of fish/whales. Toxicol Lett. 267, 53-8 (2017).
- Iwata T, Takaoka S, Sakamoto M, Maeda E, Nakamura M, Liu XJ, Murata K. Characteristics of hand tremor and postural sway in patients with fetal-type Minamata disease. J Toxicol Sci. 41,757-63 (2016).
- Sakamoto M, Murata K, Domingo JL, Yamamoto M, Oliveira RB, Kawakami S, Nakamura M. Implications of mercury concentrations in umbilical cord tissue relation to maternal hair segments as biomarkers for prenatal exposure to methylmercury. Environ Res. 149, 282-7 (2016).
- Sakamoto M, Itai T, Yasutake A, Iwasaki T, Yasunaga G, Fujise Y, Nakamura M, Murata K, Man Chan H, Domingo JL, Marumoto M. Mercury speciation and selenium in toothed-whale muscles. Env Res. 143, 55-61 (2015).
- Nakamura M, Hachiya N, Murata KY, Nakanishi I, Kondo T, Yasutake A, Miyamoto KI, Ser PH, Omi S, Furusawa H, Watanabe C, Usuki F, Sakamoto M Methylmercury exposure and neurological outcomes in Taiji residents accustomed to consuming whale meat. Environ Int. 68, 25-32 (2014).
- Yamamoto M, Yanagisawa R, Motomura E, Nakamura M, Sakamoto M, Takeya M, Eto K. Increased methylmercury toxicity related to obesity in diabetic KK-Ay mice. J Appl Toxicol. 34, 914-23 (2014).
- Nakamura M, Yasutake A, Fujimura M, Hachiya N, Marumoto M. Effect of methylmercury administration on choroid plexus function in rats. Arch Toxicol., 85, 911-918 (2011).
- Yasutake A, Nakamura M. Induction by mercury compounds of metallothioneins in mouse tissues: inorganic mercury accumulation is
not a dominant factor for metallothionein induction in the liver. J Toxicol
Sci., 36, 365-372 (2011).
- Yamashita T, Ando Y, Ueda M, Nakamura M, Okamoto S, Zeledon ME, Hirahara T, Hirai T, Ueda A, Misumi Y, Obayashi K, Inomata H, Uchino M: Effect of liver transplantation on transthyretin Tyr114Cys-related
cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Neurology., 70, 123-128 (2008).
- Ueda M, Ando Y, Hakamata Y,Nakamura M, Yamashita T, Obayashi K, Himeno S, Inoue S, Sato Y, Kaneko T, Takamune N, Misumi S, Shoji S, Uchino M, Kobayashi E: A transgenic rat with the human ATTR V30M: a novel tool for analyses of ATTR metabolisms. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 352, 299-304 (2007).
- Ueda M, Ando Y, Nakamura M, Yamashita T, Himeno S, Kim J, Sun X,
Saito S, Tateishi T, Bergstrom J, Uchino M: FK506 inhibits murine AA amyloidosis: possible involvement of T cells in amyloidogenesis. J Rheumatol., 33, 2260-2270 (2006)
- Kawaji T, Ando Y, Nakamura M, Yamashita T, Wakita M, Ando E, Hirata A, Tanihara T: Ocular amyloid angiopathy associated with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy ATTR Y114C. Ophthalmology., 112, 2212
- Nakamura M, Yamashita T, Ueda M, Obayashi K, Sato T, Ikeda T, Washimi Y, Hirai T, Kuwahara Y, Yamamoto T, Uchino M, Ando Y: Neuroradiologic and clinicopathologic features of oculoleptomeningeal type amyloidosis. Neurology., 65, 1051-1056 (2005).
- Saito S, Ando Y, Nakamura M, Ueda M, Kim J, Ishima Y, Akaike T, Otagiri M: Effect of Nitric Oxide in Amyloid Fibril Formation on Transthyretin-Related Amyloidosis. Biochemistry., 44, 11122-11129
- Nakamura M, Ando Y, Sasada K, Haraoka K, Ueda M, Okabe H, Motomiya Y: Role of extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in patients under maintenance hemodialysis. Nephron Clin Pract., 101, c109-c115 (2005).
- Yamashita T, Ando Y, Nakamura M, Obayashi K, Terazaki H, Haraoka K, Sun X, Ueda M, Uchino M: Inhibitory effect of α-tocopherol on methylmercury-induced oxidative stress.Environ Health Prev., Med 9,
111- 117 (2004).
- Ando Y, Terazaki H, Nakamura M, Ando E, Haraoka K, Yamashita T, Ueda M, Okabe H, Sasaki Y, Tanihara H, Uchino M, Inomata Y: A different amyloid formation mechanism: De novo oculoleptomeningeal amyloid deposits after liver transplantation. Transplantation., 77,345-349 (2004).
- Obayashi K, Ando Y, Nakamura M, Yamashita T, Ueda M, Haraoka K, Terazaki H, Uchino M: Macroscopic assessment of skin venules in fingers using near-infrared spectrophotoscopy- as a useful marker of autonomic dysfunction-. Neurology., 63, 164-166 (2004).
- Nakamura M, Ando Y, Nagahara S, Sano A, Ochiya T, Maeda S, Kawaji T, Ogawa M, Hirata A, Terazaki H, Haraoka K, Tanihara H, Ueda M, Uchino M, Yamamura K: Targeted conversion of the transthyretin gene in vitro and in vivo. Gene Ther., 11, 838-846 (2004).
- Nakamura M, Ando Y: Applications of gene therapy for FAP. Expert Opin Biol Ther., 4, 1621-1628 (2004).
- Ando Y, Nakamura M, Kai H, Katsuragi S, Terazaki H, Nozawa T, Okuda T, Misumi S, Matsunaga N, Hata K, Tajiri T, Shoji S, Yamashita T, Haraoka K, Obayashi K, Matsumoto K, Ando M, Uchino M: A novel localized amyloidosis associated with lactoferrin in the cornea. Lab Invest., 82, 757-765 (2002).
- Uchino M, Mita S, Satoh H, Uchino M, Mita S, Satoh H, Hirano T, Arimura K, Nakamura M, Nakamura M, Uyama E, Ando Y, Wakamiya J, Futatsuka M: Clinical investigation of the lesions responsible for sensory disturbance in Minamata disease. Tohoku J Exp Med., 195, 181-189 (2001).
- Nakamura M, Hamidi Asl K, Benson MD: A novel variant of transthyretin (Glu89Lys) associated with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. Amyloid., 7, 46-50 (2000).
- Nakamura M, Yamashita T, Ando Y, Hamidi Asl K, Tashima K, Ohlsson PI, Kususe Y, Benson MD: Identification of a new transthyretin variant (Ile49) in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and nonisotopic RNase cleavage assay. Hum Hered., 49, 186-189 (1999).
- Hamidi Asl K, Liepnieks JJ, Nakamura M, Benson MD: Organ-specific (localized) synthesis of Ig Light Chain Amyloid. J Immunol., 162, 5556-5560 (1999).
- Klein CJ, Nakamura M, Jacobson DR, Lacy MQ, Benson MD, Peterson RC: Transthyretin amyloidosis (serine 44) with headache, hearing loss, and peripheral neuropathy. Neurology., 51, 1462-1464 (1998).
- Fukushima M, Nakamura M, Ohta K, Okamura R, Negi A, Tanaka H: Regional specification of motor neurons along theanterior-posterior axis is independent of the notochord. Development., 122, 905-914 (1996).
- Nakamura M, Ohta K, Hirokawa K, Fukushima M, Uchino M, Ando M, Tanaka H: Developmental and denervation changesin c-ret proto-oncogene expression in the chick motoneuron. Molecular Brain Research., 39, 1-11 (1996).
外部資金による研究 |
平成13年度 佐川先端科学技術研究助成金(代表)
平成13-14年度 文部科学省科学研究費 基盤研究(C)(分担)
平成15-16年度 文部科学省科学研究費 基盤研究(B)(分担)
平成19-20年度 文部科学省科学研究費 基盤研究(C)(代表)
平成23-25年度 文部科学省科学研究費 基盤研究(B)(代表)
平成28-30年度 文部科学省科学研究費 基盤研究(B)(代表) |
主な履歴、学歴、学位、表彰等 |
熊本大学医学部卒業(1987)、熊本大学大学院医学研究科博士課程卒業(1996)、米国Indiana大学博士研究員(1996. 9- 1999.
博士(医学)、日本神経内科専門医、日本内科学認定医、熊本大学医学部神経内科同門会賞(2003)、日本臨床検査医学会奨励賞(2004) |