What We Have Learned from the Experience of Minamata Disease
- Issues during the Occurrence of the Disease and up to 1968 -

In the Hope of Avoiding Repetition of the Tragedy of Minamata Disease

the Social Scientific Study Group on Minamata Disease, NIMD

Japanease version 日本語

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Preface 56 kb
Contents 31 kb
INTRODUCTION Tragedy of Minamata Disease and Environmental Chemical Problems Today 83 kb
1. Outline of Minamata disease
2. Mechanisms underlying the outbreak of Minamata disease and morbid conditions
3. Lessons of Minamata disease
4. The object of the present compilation
CHAPTER 1 Movements during the Period from the Times When the Signs Appeared to May 1956 When Minamata Disease was Officially Discovered 215 kb
1. Background of the times, positioning of Chisso in industrial policy, position of Chisso in economic society of the district, and characteristics of the technological development by Chisso
2. Early signs before the official discovery of Minamata disease
3. Legislation regarding countermeasures against pollution
CHAPTER 2 The Process of Investigation of the Cause of Minamata Disease and of Decision of the Pollution Source (Part 1) 109 kb
1. Construction of the quick investigation system for the cause immediately after the official discovery of Minamata disease
2. A reply from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in September 1957 regarding the application of the Food Sanitation Act and movements in response to the report of research by the Public Welfare Science Research Group in June 1958
3. Movements in response to the change of the drainage channel in the process of acetaldehyde production in September 1958
4. The situation of the patients
5. The name of the disease, Minamata disease
CHAPTER 3 The Process of Investigation of the Cause of Minamata Disease and of Decision of the Pollutiion Source (Part 2) 165 kb
1. Presentation of the organic mercury hypothesis by the Kumamoto University Research Group and responses of Chisso to the presentation
2. Breakup of the special sectional committee of food poisoning in Minamata in the Food and Sanitation Investigation Committee after the report in November 1959 and movements of the Tamiya Committee of the Japan Chemical Industry Association and Minamata Disease General Investigation and Research Liaison Council established in January 1960
3. Social function of the contract of the victims with Chisso about a present of money in token of the company's sympathy
4. Survey of mercury level in hairs in Kumamoto Prefecture during the 3-year period after 1960
5. The statement by Prof. Irukayama and his co-workers about the extraction of organic mercury from factory wastes in the process of acetaldehyde production
6. Report on Minamata disease at the international conferences
CHAPTER 4 The Process of Investigation of the Cause of Minamata Disease and of Decision of the Pollutiion Source (Part 3) 54 kb
1. Outbreak of Minamata disease in Niigata
2. Movements after the official presentation of Minamata disease in Niigata
CHAPTER 5 Discussion and Lessons 343 kb
1. Approach to environmental pollution before the outbreak of damages to health or before discovery of damages to health
2. Initial approach
3. Health screening
4. Inspection of the cause
5. Countermeasures
6. Decision of policies
CHAPTER 6 Comprehensive Lessons from the Minamata Disease Affair 33 kb
EPILOGUE Problems with Environmental Pollution, which Man is Now Confronted with -Conclusions-